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CHR Release notes - version 24.7

April 9, 2024

Updated over 10 months ago

What’s new in the CHR


Enhanced notifications after uploading files to a user’s inbox

After uploading files to a user’s inbox, you now receive a notification confirming the number of files successfully uploaded to the recipient’s inbox and providing the recipient’s name for reference.

In addition, the notifications are colour-coded for clarity, with red indicating failed uploads and green for successful ones. This ensures you are informed of the upload status.

Confirmation notification after sending a message

You now receive a Message Sent notification after successfully sending new, forwarded, or quick messages. This provides you with immediate reassurance that the message was sent.

📌Note: When sending a Quick Message, the alert informing you that the message sent no longer appears.

Alberta: Setting a default value for other locations on a bill

When adding a billing item to a provincial bill, the Other Location field can now be populated automatically for all added locations.

This is beneficial for providers who not only offer services at their registered facility but also at schools, via virtual visits, or in the patients’ homes.

📌Note: The Other Location field was previously named Location(Other).

The default value for another location is set in the providers’ HLink integration. To set it up, contact the TELUS Health support team through the in-app support bubble.

Alberta: WCB form button available only for WCB bills

When you create a WCB report from the New Insured Payment window, the + WCB form button appears only when both the Payment Issuer and Available Billing Provider are set to Alberta WCB.

If you change the Payment Issuer or Available Billing Provider after creating a WCB form, a message appears advising that you will lose your WCB form if you proceed.

This ensures that you avoid completing a WCB form, only to risk losing your progress due to an incorrect billing provider or payment issuer.

PEI: Adding payment tags to claims

You can now add custom payment tags to claims with the read-only statuses Submitted, Completed, and Cancelled.

To add or remove payment tags, click the Status field and select the desired payment tag.

You can then filter the billing dashboard to include or exclude claims based on these payment tags, streamlining the review process.

Role-based access: Permission to delete manually entered lab results

For clinics using role-based access control (RBAC), you can delete manually entered lab results only if you have the Lab Results:Create permission. If you do not have this permission, the delete icon is greyed out.

Sending French patient notifications

You can now send notifications to your patients in their preferred language, if you have French enabled in your CHR.

If your patients have French specified as their primary language, or as their secondary language when English is not the primary language, they will now receive all default Appointment, Sending Qnaire and Referral notifications in French.

However, if you have previously customized an English SMS or email notification (in Settings > Notifications), patients will receive the customized English notification even if their language is set to French. (If you customize a notification after this feature is released, patients will receive the French notification).

If your patient does not have a language set in their patient chart, or the primary and secondary language are set to a language other than English or French, the patient receives the default notifications in your clinic’s account language.

📌Note: For clinics using CHR Connect, all default CHR Connect and Patient Portal Notifications are also sent to your patients in their set language.

Customizing French patient notifications

If you have French enabled in your CHR, you can now customize both English and French email and SMS patient notifications in Settings > Notifications. You can also customize the notification at the time of sending it.

Also, as part of our ongoing usability and design improvements, the notifications settings now use clearer labels and button styles. Click the pencil icon to customize a notification.

📌Note: Currently only patient notifications can be customized and sent in French, and not practitioner notifications.


  • You can open a previously faxed or emailed file from the Patient Outbox again.

  • In the main menu on the Inbox icon, the red circle and the number indicating how many new messages you have are aligned again.

  • Patients who receive reminders about their upcoming appointments and then reschedule their appointments to a later date now receive an appointment reminder for their rescheduled appointments.

  • Patients can successfully unsubscribe from email notifications again.

  • To change the Ordering provider or Service provider for referrals, you no longer need to manually remove the existing provider before selecting a new one.

  • When applying permissions to a role, you are once again notified if the selected permission is dependent on another permission.

  • Users without the permission to Create encounters can once again view encounters.

  • For clinics using role-based access control, users with the permissions Patient: Delete can now archive patient charts again.

  • For clinics using role-based access control, only users with the permission Medications: Cancel can stop medications.

  • Alberta: When populating the WCB C570 medical invoice correction form from a previous C151 form, the date of injury is now no longer one day in the future.

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