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CHR Release notes - version 24.2

January 30, 2024

Updated over a year ago

What’s new in the CHR


Viewing a patient’s preferred pronouns in the patient chart header

If you record preferred pronouns in a patient’s chart, you can now see the preferred pronouns beside the patient’s name in brackets in the patient chart header.

For more information, refer to Patient preferred pronouns.

Consistent view of patient chart messages

When you view messages within a patient’s chart from the Summary view or the Messages section of the patient chart, the message columns are the same.

If a message is marked as urgent by the sender, a red Urgent banner appears at the beginning of the message title in both the Summary view and the Messages section of the patient chart providing a consistent display of message information.

For more information, refer to Viewing messages within a patient chart.

Uploading files to a specific inbox

You can now upload documents to the inbox of the user who needs to action the files. After selecting the documents to upload, within the Upload file window, you see the number of files selected and the option to Mark all as urgent. This creates a more streamlined and efficient file upload process as the files are added directly to the inbox of the intended recipient and not the inbox of the user uploading the files.

📌Note: You can only select individual recipients.

For more information, refer to Uploading documents to your inbox.

Indicators for new and updated lab reports that were previously reviewed

When a lab report comes in with the same accession number as a previous lab report, and you already marked the original lab report as reviewed, you can now easily identify which lab results are new and which ones have been updated since you first marked the report as reviewed.

Any lab results that were added to the report since you reviewed it are marked with a New indicator, and any lab results that changed are marked with an Updated indicator.

Also, you can now choose Mark Reviewed again when an updated lab report comes in.

Deleting a manual lab report

You can now delete manually created lab reports. This is useful when you make mistakes during the manual entry of lab data.

To delete a manual lab report, click the Delete icon in the top right corner when viewing a manual lab report. From the Delete Permanently window, confirm the deletion by selecting a reason such as Typo or Wrong patient from the list.

For more information, refer to Editing or deleting manually entered lab results.

Manual lab results interface improvements

When saving manual lab reports with mandatory fields in the Lab report preview and Add lab result windows, the wording now makes it clearer what required information is missing. Also, the Note field was renamed to Notes.

When editing or deleting manually entered lab results and you hover your cursor over the edit and delete icons, a tooltip now appears and the icons change colour.

Quickly entering units for manual lab results

Previously, when entering lab results and their corresponding units, you had to manually type the full units. To make the process quicker and easier, now when you enter the units for lab results, the CHR suggests options based on what you type.

📌Note: You can still enter units in free text if there are no matches in the list.

Viewing long lab report file names

When you open an inbox file and hover your cursor over a lab report with a long name, the tooltip displays the full filename.

Moving and resizing a patient’s medications window

When viewing a patient’s medication list from a new prescription or an encounter, you can now move and resize the Patient’s medications window.

Account information interface enhancements

When you select the Groups or Roles tabs in Settings > Account Information, the edit and delete icons are updated and the layout of information within each tab is streamlined, making it easier to navigate and find the information you need at a glance.

Within the Groups tab, when you click +New Group (replaces the previous Add Group) you now see the number of members selected to create your group.

In the Roles tab, you now see the number of members in the role without leaving the window.

For more information, refer to Creating user groups and Managing user roles.

New label for Healthcare Directory contacts

For clinics using Healthcare Directory, the label Healthcare Directory now displays below the cloud icon to help you identify contacts drawn from the Healthcare Directory.

Deleted and wrong patient Lifelabs lab results hidden

Lifelabs lab results with D (deleted) and W (wrong patient) status in the HL7 file no longer display in the CHR.

PEI: Prepare Appeals form print icon on Paid or Cancelled billing items

When appealing an insured claim, the Prepare Appeals form print icon now appears only when the claims’ billing item status is Paid or Cancelled.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • When you generate a lab report PDF, all labels display correctly.

  • For clinics using Healthcare Directory, in the Update Patient window, when you select Family Doctor and Referring Practitioner from the Healthcare Directory, the information is saved.

  • When you select Classic mode in the schedule, no matter the location selected, you see both physical and virtual appointments together in the same window.

  • When adding a waiting list in Settings > Referral > Waiting lists, you only see the locations you have access to and Choose One is displayed by default in the Add Waiting List window instead of the global waiting list.

  • When you expand the list under the Category or Lab Test field in the Add lab result window and you click Cancel, the list is dismissed and the Unsaved Changes window appears.

  • When you manually create a lab report and click Save in the Lab report preview window, the report displays immediately in the Lab Results window without manually refreshing the page.

  • When you create a manual lab report from an incoming eFax associated with a PEI patient ID, the ID is displayed in the patient header of the Lab report preview window.

  • British Columbia: For insured payments submitted to Teleplan, when you change the bill status from Attention Required to Ready the billing items now sync successfully and the status updates as expected without encountering a server error. Additionally, you can manually resync the bill status by enabling the Enable refresh payment setting in the Insured Billing settings.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added to the CHR help:

In Ontario, if a provider is leaving one clinic and joining another clinic, or if you want to transfer a patient’s records to another provider, you can export the patient chart data as an XML file. For more information, refer to our new export charts to an XML file article.

To help you configure provider availability, we published two new training videos: Schedule configuration overview and Creating and applying flexible schedule templates to provider schedules. Both are part of our Configure providers hours and time off course.

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