General CHR
CHR Connect
Booking appointments from the patient chart
You can now book appointments directly from a patient's chart. This eliminates the need to switch between different sections of the CHR when booking patient appointments.
From the patient summary view in the Appointments section, click the + icon. Or, from the Start/Open menu, select Appointments and in the top right click + New Appointment. The floating schedule window opens. When you select a time, the appointment booking window opens with the patient's information automatically populated.
Once you have booked an appointment, the schedule window automatically closes and the Appointments section list updates.
For more information, refer to Booking appointments from a patient’s chart.
Improved organization of diagnostic codes in encounter PDFs
Diagnostic codes and their descriptions in encounter PDFs now appear as a bullet-point list at the beginning of the Assessment and Plan section, rather than under the Physical Exam section.
Remembering your Opened patients sidebar preference
When you collapse or expand the Opened patients list, the CHR now remembers your preference until you manually change it. This allows you to maintain your preferred layout even after logging out and back into your CHR.
Including multiple patient identifiers on prescriptions
You can now include up to three patient identifiers on prescriptions. Previously, prescriptions could only display a single patient identifier. This allows for additional information, such as treaty card numbers, RCMP numbers, or third-party insurance numbers to be displayed directly on the prescription.
In the patient demographics (Update Information window), when editing or adding patient identification details, select the new checkbox to include the specific identification on prescriptions.
An Rx icon appears beside the patient identification in the patient demographics section and the Identifications section of the patient dashboard, indicating that it will appear on prescriptions.
For more information, refer to Adding or editing patient identifications.
Interface improvement for diagnosis selection in the Health Profile
📌Note: TELUS Health must manually enable this feature following the release. To ensure a smooth transition, this feature will gradually be made available over the next several weeks.
As part of our ongoing usability and design improvements, we updated the interface when searching for a diagnosis in the Medical History, Surgical History, and Family History sections of the Health Profile.
Presenting Issues settings interface improvement
As part of our ongoing usability and design improvements, the Presenting Issues settings uses clearer labels and button styles. The page now has a tabbed layout offering a clearer view of your Active and Archived items. To edit a presenting issue, click the pencil icon beside it. The previous strike-through eye icon to archive a presenting issue has been replaced with a trash can icon.
When you add or edit a presenting issue, the Presenting Issue Settings window opens with an updated interface. For more information, refer to Creating presenting issues (reasons for visit).
Creating presenting issues in French
If you have French enabled in your CHR, you can now create and edit presenting issues in English and French. For more information, refer to Creating presenting issues (reasons for visit).
Once configured, the presenting issues are displayed across all areas of the CHR in your currently-selected language. These areas include encounter template settings, eReferral settings, encounter notes, referral forms, and when booking appointments.
Patients can now view presenting issues (reason for visits) in their preferred language when using eBooking, the patient portal, and appointment notifications.
Viewing the demographic snapshot in patient documents and Requested Appointments
You can now view additional demographic information by hovering your cursor over a patient's name in:
Patient documents - once a patient is assigned to a document in inbox items or patient files such as labs, faxes, and uploaded documents.
The schedule, under Requested Appointments.
📌Note: If a patient chart is restricted, you see a restricted message.
Prescription status icons in encounters update in real time
Previously, when printing, faxing, or sending an e-prescription within an encounter, the status icons didn't update until you signed the encounter. Now, these icons update immediately upon saving. This provides an instant visual confirmation that prescriptions have been printed, faxed, or electronically sent.
New permission to access CHR Connect App and Patient Portal settings
There is a new CHR Connect App permission to access the CHR Connect App and Patient Portal settings in the main menu. This improves security control while providing more flexibility to manage user access levels.
Previously, you controlled access to these settings with the Scheduling settings permission. The TELUS CHR Support account automatically has this permission enabled, and all other accounts have it disabled.
For more information, refer to Role permission options (role-based access control) and User permissions.
Simplified payment options for clinics using a Stripe terminal
If your CHR is configured with a Stripe integration and you're using a point of sale (POS) terminal, when you collect payment and select the payment method, the options are more streamlined to make collecting payments more efficient.
When you add a payment, you now see a simplified list of payment methods.
For more information, refer to Collecting payments from patient charts using Stripe.
📌Note: If you do not have an existing Stripe integration and want to sign up, contact
Alberta: Electronic lab results from Canada Diagnostic Centres (CDC)
You can now receive Canada Diagnostic Centres (CDC) lab results electronically in your CHR, providing faster access to patient test results.
To enable this service, you must submit the service request form to Alberta Health Services by fax (1-870-644-1792), email (, or electronically via their website.
CHR Connect: Self-initiated Qnaires for patients
For clinics using CHR Connect Pro, you can now make Qnaires available in the CHR Connect app that patients can fill in and submit at any time without you needing to send or assign them.
To set up self-initiated Qnaires, go to the Qnaires and click Self Qnaires. From here you select Qnaires and designate which inbox should receive the patient response.
For more information, refer to Setting up self-initiated Qnaires for CHR Connect.
CHR Connect: Improvements to in-app campaigns
For clinics using CHR Connect Pro, you can now have more than three CHR Connect In-App campaigns active at the same time. This allows you to target different patient groups and send various messages or reminders to your patients.
Push notification timing has also been optimized. For future-scheduled CHR Connect In-App campaigns, the notification is now sent at 11 AM (clinic's timezone) on the campaign start date.
For CHR Connect In-App campaigns that you create and start on the same day, patients receive notifications within one hour of the campaign being started.
For more information, refer to Sending CHR Connect campaigns to patients.
Alberta: Manually correcting long-standing submitted WCB claims
📌Note: TELUS Health must manually enable this feature following the release. It could take up to 24 hours before you see the functionality.
You can now update Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) claims that have been in a Submitted status for over 30 days without a remittance response. You can change these claims to a Refused, Cancelled, or Completed status.
From the Insured Payments section in the patient chart, find the bill you want to correct and click the Apply Correction icon beside it.
For more information, refer to Applying corrections to Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) claims (Alberta).
Alberta: Preventing bulk status updates for submitted and completed WCB claims
The bulk status change feature now includes additional validation for WCB insured claims. In the Billing dashboard, when using the mass action icon to update multiple claims, the system prevents status changes for Submitted and Completed claims.
If you attempt to bulk change the status of Submitted or Completed payments, an error message appears.
📌Note: You can still bulk change the status of claims that are in Draft, Ready, and Attention/Refused status as needed.
For more information, refer to Bulk changing the status of insured claims.
Alberta: Submitting WCB bills for out-of-country patients
You can now submit Alberta WCB bills for patients without a Canadian health number (out-of-country patients).
Alberta: Closing C570 medical invoice correction bills
When you submit a C570 correction form and use the WCBREM fee code to indicate a removal, the system now automatically updates the status to Adjusted upon acceptance, allowing you to complete or cancel the form.
If the claim is refused, you'll receive explanatory messages and you can choose to complete, cancel, or resubmit the claim.
Alberta: Service date validation for WCB fee items
When you create or update WCB fee items, the CHR now validates that service dates cannot be before the date of injury, preventing incorrect WCB billing submissions.
British Columbia: Warning when closing unsaved WorkSafeBC forms
When you are working on a WorkSafeBC form within an insured payment and you close it without saving, you now receive a confirmation prompt asking if you want to close without saving. This helps prevent accidental data loss while completing Form 8/11 reports.
The warning appears when:
Closing a WorkSafeBC form before saving
Closing a New/Edit Insured Payment window that contains a WorkSafeBC form
Changing the Payment Issuer (includes a specific warning about losing your insured billing and form)
Opening a patient chart from the New/Edit Insured Payment window (click the person icon)
Selecting a different billing template
New Brunswick: Billing the province through the CHR
TELUS Health offers a Medicare billing service as part of your CHR license subscription.
You can now create and submit claims directly to New Brunswick Medicare through the CHR. For more information, refer to Provincial billing workflow (New Brunswick).
Before you can bill the province through the CHR, you must register with New Brunswick Medicare. TELUS Health will then integrate your CHR account with the Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) web-based billing service. For more information, refer to New Brunswick Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) billing integration.
New Brunswick: Automatically populating appointment times in insured bills from the Visits dashboard
When you create an insured bill from the Visits dashboard, the Start Time and End Time will automatically populate in fee items. This is consistent with bills created from an encounter or patient chart when linked to an appointment. When both times are populated, the Time Spent is automatically calculated.
📌Note: This function is controlled by two insured payment settings: Fill start time from the linked appointment and Fill finish time from the linked appointment. They are both enabled by default.
New Brunswick: Automatically populating referring provider in insured bills
When you add a billing item in an insured bill, the Referring Practitioner field now automatically populates the Referring Provider from the patient chart if the provider is in the list of eligible referring providers supplied by New Brunswick Health in the CHR.
If you edit a bill that does not have a Referring Practitioner, when you click into the field the patient's current referring practitioner appears at the top of the list, above your favourites.
For more information, refer to Adding a referring provider to a provincial bill (New Brunswick).
The Today's overview widget on the Homepage now correctly orders presenting issues that occur with the same frequency in alphabetical order.
If you have a custom Patient Data category for appointments, when you select an appointment, the appointment information now populates.
When working with multi-patient files and you assign patients to each of the pages, when you click Split, the split is successful even if the patient assignment window remains open for several minutes.
When a patient’s Qnaire responses trigger the natural language conversion, the correct Qnaire name now displays in the encounter section instead of Undefined Qnaire.
When adding response options to button type questions in Qnaires, when you click the Update HTML button it successfully saves the question content.
Users without the Folders user permission no longer see a Permission denied error when accessing their own and other encounter templates.
You can now view Qnaire and destination information in the Log Details of sent appointment reminders.
When searching for service providers in a referral or searching fax destinations within the CHR that have been updated in the Health Directory, you now see the Review button to confirm the latest contact information.
For clinics enabled with eClaims, the selected province is now saved instead of reverting to Alberta when adding or updating associated practitioners.
When Privacy Mode On is enabled, the patient demographic snapshot in the schedule and in the Opened patients list does not appear.
In Settings > Scheduling > Hours, you can now view the complete list of providers in your clinic who have a schedule.
When you customize the Encounters list, hidden columns remain hidden when you resize visible columns.
When you type in the Search for diagnostic code field under Assessment and Plan in an encounter, you now see a loading spinner until your search results appear. This prevents accidentally selecting the wrong diagnosis before all the results have loaded.
PrescribeIT: When you disconnect from PrescribeIT, your avatar profile view now automatically refreshes to show the disconnection status.
📌 Note: New CHR versions are released on a regular bi-weekly schedule. However, there are times where a fix is released prior to the next scheduled release. These off-schedule release fixes are documented in the separate off-schedule release notes.