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Viewing Pathways
Viewing Pathways
Updated over 6 months ago

If you have Pathways set up, you can track and move pathway cards through the various phases of care, or pathways, within your clinic workflow. You can view pathway cards within each phase to see and track any actions that need to be performed.

Pathway cards are added to pathways in one of the following ways:

  • If an Auto Assigned Workflow Phase is enabled for the appointment type, and that type of appointment is booked, a corresponding appointment card is created in pathways at a set time before the appointment time. For example, 15 minutes before the appointment time, the appointment card is created and moves into the Pre Visit phase. For more information, see, Creating and modifying appointment types.

  • If the appointment is a scheduled virtual visit, the appointment automatically moves to pathways when the patient signs into the visit. This happens if the patient signs in before the auto-assigned workflow phase is set to move the appointment into pathways (see above). If no auto-assigned workflow phase is set for that appointment type, the appointment moves to your default phase when the patient signs in. For more information on setting your default phase, see Configuring transitions for your Pathways.

  • You manually add a patient or appointment card to pathways. For more information, see Manually adding a patient with an appointment or Adding a patient without an appointment.

📌 Note: This article describes pathways used for our default virtual visits setup. Your configuration may differ. For more information on physical visits, see Physical pathways.


1. From the main menu, click the Pathways icon.

A kanban-style board opens, showing all your open pathway cards separated into different phases. For more information, see Setting phases and transitions for your Pathways.

💡 Tips:

2. Review the information in the pathway card for an overview of the appointment.

The patient’s pathway card displays the following information:

💡 Tip: Only virtual visits added with an appointment have the green Virtual at the top.



Timestamp in the top-right corner

Length of time the patient has been in that Pathways phase.

💡 Tip: Record how long the patient is in the visits phase for billing purposes. Analytics can also be used to report on this time span.

Staff actions

Tasks that are assigned to staff to complete as part of the visit.

Hover over the Staff Actions heading to see the action description. For more information about adding staff actions, see Assigning tasks and tags to a virtual visit.

Patient actions

Tasks that are assigned to the patient to complete as part of the visit.

Hover over the Patient Actions heading to see the action description. For more information about adding patient actions, see Assigning tasks and tags to a virtual visit.

Pathway-specific tags

Labels added to the pathway card. For example, Balance Owing or No Video.

For more information on adding tags, see Assigning tasks and tags to a virtual visit.

Virtual visit details

You can view details for the virtual visit, start the visit, or resend the virtual visit invitation (including the access code). See Virtual visits.

Appointment details

If the pathway card was added with an appointment, the time of appointment, status, type, and appointment provider are displayed.

3. Click the patient's pathway card to open the patient's chart. For more information on the actions you can perform from the pathway card, see Actions available for Pathway Cards.

Updated September 23, 2024

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