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Overview of the Start/Open menu
Updated over a week ago

Whether you're initiating a new patient encounter, managing prescriptions, or reviewing Qnaire responses, you can access specific sections in the patient’s chart in the Quick Menu or the Start/Open menu.

💡Tip: To view sections of the Start/Open menu in split screen, click the split screen icon next to the desired section. Refer to Viewing patient chart sections in split screen for more information.

The following table breaks down each menu item in detail:

Menu Item


Start New Encounter

Start a new encounter in the CHR and track patient interactions.

📌Note: If you start an encounter from here, the appointment is not linked, but if the patient has an appointment today, you are invited to link the encounter with that appointment.

Send Qnaire

Send a Qnaire from any user to a patient instantly from the patient chart.

Message Patient

Send a secure message to a patient through the patient portal or TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Connect, depending on your clinic's app.

Start Pathway

Begin a new pathway card for a patient with or without an appointment to track them through your clinic workflow.

Print Label

Print patient labels directly from the TELUS CHR using a Brother, Dymo, or Zebra label printer.

Health Profile

Access the cumulative patient profile (CPP) to record, track, and maintain structured health data consistently across the patient's continuum of care.


View messages related to the patient.

Patient Data

Access the patient's demographic data, vitals, and any custom patient data configured in your system.


View all encounter notes for the patient.

Lab Results

View, sort, or manually add the patient's lab results. Select which results to display in the summary.

Patient Files

View, modify or add documents and files saved in the patient chart.


Create, view, manage or send letters related to the patient.


Create and manage ongoing patient cases.


View and edit referrals for the patient. You can also add a letter.


Record or view a patient's drug and non-drug allergies and any adverse reactions.



Create and view prescriptions for the patient in the CHR.

📌Note: You cannot record externally-prescribed medications from this area.


Create prescriptions or record externally-prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

View all of the patient's current and past medications, whether prescribed by someone in the clinic or elsewhere.


Record or view information about patient injections or immunizations.

Qnaire Responses

Scheduled Qnaires

Configure scheduled and recurring Qnaires to automatically send at a date and time that you choose.

Private Billing

Create a private bill to bill a patient directly for services they are responsible for paying.

Insured Billing

Create an insured bill for services covered by provincial health insurance.


View all appointments for a patient, past and present.

Admin Notes

Create and manage important notes added to the patient chart.

Patient Outbox

Review sent items linked to a particular patient, review details and confirm status of a sent fax.

Pathway History

View the history of chat messages sent to a patient before or during a virtual visit and saved to the patient's chart.

Updated October 8, 2024

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